Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 4 - Visual Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics

The three most important dimensions and rules of visual language are Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics. These three dimensions and rules are other steps further from studying the basic Semiotics. As explain by Dr. Chris on our Week 4 lecture he stated that Syntax is the grammar of visual image, while Semantics is making meaning from chaos and Pragmatics is the context and the changes in meaning. I understand that the use of Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics in visual language.

As stated by Gorge Yule (1996) in his book titled Pragmatics, "
Syntax is the study of the relationship between linguistic forms, how they are arranged in sequence and which sequences are well-formed. This type of study generally takes place without considering any world of reference or any user of the forms. Semantics is the study of the relationship between linguistic forms and entities in the world; that is, how words literally connect to things. Semantics analysis also attempt to establish the relationship between verbal descriptions and states of affairs in the world as accurate (true) or not, regardless of who produces that description. Pragmatics is the study of the relationship between linguistic forms and the users of those forms. In this three-part distinction, only pragmatics allows humans into the analysis." (p.4)

From that I assume the meaning of the three dimension and rules are more into words, verbal, spoken language not via images or visual language but more or less the same.

Visual Syntax is about the rules. The rule of an image created. However, most of the rules are used to manipulate and cheat people who see these images. Basically, images are not the same as reality. Some may be good some may be bad. Some may be beautiful and some may be ugly.

Furthermore there are a lot of rules for a million dollar image. Does Visual Syntax occur when the picture is being taken or while the picture was edited? As far as I am concerned, it is done when the image was edited. This is because I don't think a 5- year-old kid would know the rules of visual syntax but they do take some good pictures.

For example the picture below:-

These pictures show the same picture with three different works to be made in to a desktop background. Not much rules are followed.

Visual Semantics is the study of meaning. What it is and What it mean. This is when the work of an author is not important after it is interpreted but if good communication takes place when reinterpreting then it can give a new meaning.

Where as the Visual Pragmatic is the context and the changes in meaning. This is the combination of Syntax, Semantics and Semiotics combined together.


Yule, Goerge (1996). Pragmatics. Oxford University Press.

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